Official In a world full of grandmas be Grammy Sunflower shirt

Yesterday the senate passed a Official In a world full of grandmas be Grammy Sunflower shirt minibus spending bill to fund the bureau of land management blm and other agencies the bill maintains protections for wild horses against killing and slaughter and does not contain dangerous house provisions authorizing mass sterilization once again the senate has stood with science the majority of americans virtually all wild preservation groups to protect wild horses and burros fiscal year 2019 spending legislation now heads to conference committee where the differences between the house and senate bills will be reconciled the house language presents a clear and present threat to wild horses and burros thanks to language included by rep chris stewart that would authorize and the blm to manage wild horses and burros in non reproducing and single sex herds by sterilizing them through risky and invasive surgeries the stewart amendment also lays the groundwork for mass destruction of healthy horses and burros over the age of 10 barely middle age for a wild horse awhc will continue to work to ensure the senate language prevails and the stewart language is removed from the bill stay tuned for further updates regarding how you can help ensure the best outcome for our wild horses and burros. I hope this is allowed i've got these for sale as I bought to many at xmas I have two sets of 10 unicorn horn brushes light rainbow and dark blue 8 50 per pack plus p p if interested pm me for more information thank you. Don t wait another minute monsters lady gaga s critically acclaimed documentary gaga five foot two is now streaming on netflix in 190 countries across the globe watch the documentary everyone is talking about gaga lk gagafivefoottwo gagagivefoottwoOfficial In a world full of grandmas be Grammy Sunflower shirt Official In a world full of grandmas be Grammy Sunflower shirt

Official In a world full of grandmas be Grammy Sunflower shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women

Official In a world full of grandmas be Grammy Sunflower shirt
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